If you're one of those people who always reads the word "noise cancelling" on headphones, but doesn't quite understand its importance, this is for you. This feature has become almost a standard within the audio segment and one of the qualities that you should definitely keep in mind when looking for a device for your precious ears. Sit back and we'll explain why.
Noise cancellation, the key to good insulation
Noise cancellation in headphones works, as its name suggests, by eliminating the noise around us , isolating us and allowing us to enjoy the sound we hear much better or to have a phone conversation (if you are on a hands-free call) much more clearly. This isolation makes us feel almost like we are in a soundproof booth where we have played our favorite record, allowing us to forget about distractions and external noises.
To begin with, you should know that there are two types of noise cancellation. On the one hand, we have passive noise cancellation , which is basically what headphones offer due to their physical design, how they surround the ear and the materials used. On the other hand, there is active noise cancellation, which is based on a basic physical principle: the ability of two identical but inverted sound waves to cancel each other out.
For this to work in practice, the headphones have several built-in microphones , which are responsible for continuously capturing sounds from the environment, and a system that analyzes them to generate an inverse wave that neutralizes them . When these waves overlap, they neutralize each other, making the noise you perceive noticeably lower.
As we mentioned, the advantages of noise cancellation are several. They help us listen to what we want without distraction and with better concentration. They also reduce so-called auditory fatigue , since your brain is not constantly straining to hear what it wants among so much noise, and they are even ideal for resting better and making you feel more comfortable, for example when traveling on public transport.
If you're convinced that the next thing you need to invest in is a pair of headphones with good noise cancellation, we suggest three models that won't let you down.
If you're looking for something that effectively isolates you from everything but at the same time you want something different and very fashionable , the Miami Crystal Edition from Urbanista are the headphones you need. Behind this chic and different look, full of Swarovski crystals -you have them in black and white-, there are padded over-ear headphones with a battery life of up to 50 hours so you can use them uninterruptedly until you get tired.
Their active noise cancellation is perfect for blocking out everything that bothers you from the outside, not to mention that they have an Ambient Sound mode with which you can unlock this isolation whenever you want without having to take them off.
Would you like to bring the magic of noise cancelling to your work without losing an ounce of style? Beocom Portal are your headphones. These over-ear headphones from the elite brand Bang & Olufsen are committed to an elegant and timeless design, with rounded lines, quality materials and where ergonomics are essential to be able to have them on your head for many hours without being bothered - their memory foam ear cushions promise not to imprison your ears.
Needless to say, good active noise cancellation is guaranteed in headphones that also boast fantastic, crystal-clear, high-fidelity immersive sound. It is also ideal for hands-free calls with microphones optimized to capture the voice clearly. Working with them is another story.
If you prefer in-ear headphones , you should know that there are also very good models with active noise cancellation. This is the case, for example, with Bose 's QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds , a button-type model with spatial and immersive audio so that you can fully immerse yourself in what you are listening to.